About Us

Empowering individuals to achieve their full potential by providing high-quality resources and support.

Hope you have fun and we will see you at our next event
Western Pennsylvania Garden Tractor Association (WPGTA) is a non-profit organized exclusively for the following purposes: preservation, restoration, demonstration, education, and recreation.

To promote the collection, restoration, and use of garden tractors.

To provide family-oriented activities for the sharing of ideas, information, and camaraderie.

To preserve, teach and research the history of garden tractors.

To engage in and subsidize social activities designed to foster the foregoing purposes of the organization as limited by the laws.

8:00 am open ceremony/short meeting 8:15 am begin plowing noon lunch can be purchased in side at the Beacon Hotel {been are sponsor since 2010 so please eat inside and support them too}. 1:00 pm auction when over pulling to begin whit plowing alsoRead More

  • Date: 4/19/2025 08:00 AM
  • Location: 231 Beacon Road, Renfrew, PA, USA (Map)

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Western Pennsylvania Garden Tractor Association is here for you and always looking for new members.


The Western Pennsylvania Garden Tractor Association here for you. wpgta.net

8:00 am Opening Ceremony/short meeting 8:15am begin Plowing 12 noon lunch Can be Purchased inside of the Beacon Hotle, good food at a good price and is reamended our sponsor since we began Pulling and plowing after the auction is over, Have a good time and have fun and above all be safeRead More

  • Date: 4/19/2025 08:00 AM
  • Location: 231 Beacon Road, Renfrew, PA, USA (Map)

The fiduciary duty of a non-profit board of directors and committee members refers to the legal and ethical responsibilities they have in overseeing the organization's operations and ensuring it aligns with its mission. Their fiduciary duties typically fall into three key categories:

  1. Duty of Care: Board members must act with diligence and care when making decisions on behalf of the organization. They are expected to stay informed, attend meetings, and make thoughtful decisions in the best interest of the non-profit.
  2. Duty of Loyalty: Board members must prioritize the non-profit's interests above their own personal or professional interests. They should avoid conflicts of interest and act solely for the benefit of the organization.
  3. Duty of Obedience: Board members must ensure the non-profit adheres to its mission, complies with laws and regulations, and stays true to its founding purpose.

duty of loyalty, one of the core fiduciary duties. Board members are expected to prioritize the mission and best interests of the non-profit above personal, professional, or outside interests. Their decisions and actions should always reflect a commitment to advancing the organization’s purpose.

Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Any person or entity with a fiduciary duty who fails to uphold, or fails to act responsibly in fulfilling, his duties, obligations, and responsibilities as fiduciary, has breached his fiduciary duty. Generally, the law requires the fiduciary to restore or repay any losses resulting from a breach of fiduciary duty, and the court may order other remedies, such as additional financial sanctions, and the award of attorney’s fees. The courts in the United States have heard, over the years, many matters involving breach of fiduciary duty.


At its core, being a volunteer is about offering time, energy, and skills freely to help others or contribute to a cause, without expecting payment in return. It's an act of generosity and community spirit. Ideally, a volunteer takes on responsibilities they’ve agreed to, follows through with those commitments, and acts in a way that respects the goals and needs of the organization or person they’re helping.In your situation with the webmaster, it sounds like they didn't uphold their end of the deal as a volunteer. That can be frustrating, especially when you’re relying on their contribution. Volunteers are meant to ease burdens, not add to them! If this is something you’re navigating with others in the future, setting clear expectations upfront might help avoid similar issues.